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A Liverpool care home were fined THOUSANDS for putting vulnerable residents and staff at risk.
Stapely Care Home, on North Mossley Hill Road, have been ordered to pay a total of more than £11,000 for breaking a string of fire safety regulations.
The home, which is run by a charitable trust, must pay a £6,000 fine plus costs after pleading guilty at Liverpool Magistrates' Court to five breaches of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 after the premises were inspected on April 26 ,2018.
During the inspection a number of significant breaches were found.
It was felt the seriousness of these breaches put the lives of staff and residents - some vulnerable - at significant risk, compelling Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority to prosecute the home.
The inspection found that the care home had failed to maintain adequate fire separation in the cupboard ceilings, corridor walls, ground floor store room and basement or provide appropriate fire detectors and alarms.
Inspectors also recorded that the home had failed to remove combustible materials from a means of escape or provide an adequate fire door with appropriate safety strips and seals.
It was also discovered that those in charge had failed to ensure that the premises and facilities were subject to a suitable system of maintenance, in efficient working order and good state of repair.
Brian Massie, Senior Fire Protection Officer for MFRS, said: "This is a care home with approximately 70 residents, some suffering dementia and needing significant support.
"From 2011 onwards, several inspections of the premises have been conducted and it is clear Stapely Care Home were aware of their duties under the fire safety order.
"An authorised inspector visited the premises on 26 April to evaluate the fire safety provided - MFRA was of the opinion that they failed to comply with a number of provisions set out in the regulatory reform order - leaving people in the building at significant risk."
Mr Massie said a fire could have spread very quickly, as there were insufficient means of raising the alarm; insufficient means of preventing spread of smoke and fire through the building; and insufficient procedures in place to carry out effective evacuation of the elderly residents, some of whom would require significant help.
He added: "Due to the severity of the offences, prosecution was deemed a suitable path to take."
District Judge Shaw acknowledged the severity of the offences and noted there was "a risk of harm, including death, and a large number of vulnerable people were exposed to the risk"
However, due to concerns about a very large fine having a detrimental impact on service users, the fine was set at £6,000.
Following on from this case, MFRS will be conducting a fire safety campaign targeting all care homes across Merseyside.
A spokesperson for the service said: "MFRS target inspections on premises that represent the greatest risk in the event of fire.
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